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Friday, October 19, 2012

Caramel wants bigger feet :) Caramel moechte groessere Fuesse! :)

the middle of october...much to do except minis...so i am mostly planning but also doing some evening work for xmas-minis already ! I so much wanted to try to have a "MINI-Adventskranz" ( the 4-candle-wrath, the traditional German pre-christmas decoration) ...as also in my real house, i can't do without!
I used branches from a n(again thrown-away and found) artificial , realsize, christmas-tree, cut down a lot....and there we are!
As is was a BIG tree...i think i can make some more....if anybody wants one, let me know!!! :)
Last year i made the Santa-Clouds-House"...this year there will be a new scene, which is slowly starting to shape...i hope i can show you more over the weekend!
i also made the candles...and some pieces of "Stollen"...christmas -bread, which is always made very early as there are many spices in it!
Mein Adventskraenzchen, selbstgemachte Kerzen und Stollen! 

Then i found Caramel standing on his little chair...searching through his socks...although not yet winterly dressed...he is also getting involved into christmas-preparations. First of all he needs to find some socks big enough to hang at the fireplace AND for the presents he wants! But that's difficult, as he is so small....
...there must be a solution!!!! :) We are working on it!
Caramel sucht seine Socken zusammen, fuer den Kamin und fuer seine Weihnachtsgeschenke...aber er ist sooo klein! Irgendeine Loesung muss es doch geben...wir arbeiten dran! :) 


  1. Hello Anna,
    You have just made my day! I love Christmas and have been counting the days since August. I love your christmas decorations. They add so much fun to an allready inviting and beautiful room. You really are an expert at creating magic. If ever Caramel needs a bigger sock, I wear size 48 1/2 shoes...
    Big hug to you both,

    1. yes...he would love that size!! i think he wants boots...:)

  2. Liebe Anne wie waere es mit einer Spezialsocke? Nicht zum anziehen sondern nur für die Geschenke?
    Diese Loesung haette ich fuer Dich/Caramel in ein paar Tagen.
    Ganz liebe Gruesse "winkewinke"

  3. Your kitchen looks so warm and inviting for Christmas, Anna! Great job! xo Jennifer

  4. Haha, nun verstehen wir die Überschrift - Caramel ist ein echtes Cleverle. Wie schön, dass Ihr schon so in Weihnachtsstimmung seid - wir freuen uns auch schon so sehr auf diese wunderbare Zeit. Tolle Dekorationen hast Du gezaubert.

    Liebe Grüße
    Flutterby und Birgit

  5. I love Christmas decorations.
    Kiss Faby

  6. Привет!
    Скоро Рождество! Я люблю этот праздник. Вы сделали прекрасные миниатюры!

  7. I love your Christmas decoration and yummy Stollen. Hehe poor Caramel his socks are rather small but I am sure you will think of something ;D I am looking forward to seeing your new scene I loved last years.
    Hugs Maria

  8. Anne, you made me smile, because you are so much like my daughter: in october she always makes a start with the preparations for Christmas :D!! Praline has to have his own big sock for the Christmas presents.
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  9. I am sure clever you will find something suitable for Caramels Christmas stocking! Looking lovely and so is that food! Yummo!

  10. Very nice Advent wreath you have made.
