Thank you all for visiting and your wonderful comments! a LITTLETHING a day...and a smile!


Monday, January 9, 2012

studying day today...Interesting stuff! Studientag heute...interessante Sachen!

Old cars/ Alte Autos

Toothpicks/ Zahnstocher

Chewing gum/ Kaugummi

Books/ Buecher


Books again/ und nochmal Buecher

old houses/ Alte Haeuser

leafs/ Blaetter

worth looking at! / lohnt sich zu gucken! 
( i hope the links open...i just copied them)
(ich hoffe, die Links oeffnen sich...ich hab einfach nur kopiert!) 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for them. It was very interesting and useful to spend there.
